Anouk has revealed that her first Dutch-language album Wen D’r Maar Aan will be released after the Summer.
Following the ode to her partner Dominique (2015), delivering Dutch vocals on a track for rapper Kempi (No love) and presenting her Spring-time song Lente (Spring), Anouk (Eurovision 2013) has officially confirmed that she will release a complete Dutch album. Titled Wen D’r Maar Aan (Get Used To It), it will be released after the Summer, towards the Autumn of 2018.
Anouk was a guest in the Coen & Sander Show on Radio 538 and shared more information about the album and her Dutch songs. Tuesday evening 20 March, she surprised the viewers of the Dutch weather report on RTL 4 with her song Lente, which means “Spring”. Performing the song at the live weather report proved to be a challenging venture:
I had asked my manager Kees de Koning if I could sing that song in De Wereld Draait Door on the first day of Spring, but I couldn’t, because Ilse DeLange already performed there. So yes: I was disappointed, of course. Then they said: ‘take the second Spring-day’. Then I thought: ‘No, I don’t like that at all’. So I said to Kees: ‘I don’t know how you’re going to arrange it, I just want to play that song somewhere on the first Spring-day. Even if it is on the news, or during the weather report’. He thought it was an impossible action. But I know he loves challenges and I wished him success. And then he even managed to arrange it
That was too cool. I was happy that I was able to do it at that time. It is fun to keep finding something that also makes you enthousiastic again. And with a Keukenhof in the background, it was so wrong it was simply awesome.
The Dutch rock diva wasn’t totally sure about her venture into a Dutch repertoire. She says:
I couldn’t listen to myself. I found it too flat, and then too clean again. I practiced hard on it. It was also simply a challenge for myself. Just something different, I get bored with everything. Of course, musically I did quite a lot. I also want to keep surprising myself a bit”
Anouk already performed a live version of the album’s title track Wen d’r maar aan in the show De Wereld Draait Door in May 2017: