TOP TEN: No. 10, 9 and 8

by Marcus Klier 65 views

The 14th TOP TEN list starts today with the places 10, 9 and 8 being announced. As revealed on Saturday, this week's topic are the TOP TEN outfits to remember.

The list is divided into the three sub-categories Female act, Male act and Duo/group.

So here we start…

No. 10

Female act: Anne Karine (Norway 1976)

…a Norwegian gold fever:

Male act: Stefan Raab (Germany 2000)

a Texas Lighting:

Duo/group: Ich Troje (Poland 2006)

…ce soir c'est le bal, c'est le carnaval:

No. 9

Female act: Bettina Soriat (Austria 1997)

…proving that it is hard to find clothes that go with lines like "During sex you're as fast as the Enterprise":

Male act: Kenneth McKellar (United Kingdom 1966)

…being the first male singer not wearing trousers (the same year the first woman was wearing trousers):

Duo/group: Frizzle Sizzle (Netherlands 1986)

…in the years when pastel shades were the new beige:

No. 8

Female act: Salomé (Spain 1969)

…winning with an outfit made of porcelain:

Male act: Eric Pailaya (Austria 2007)

…wearing a collaboration between Vivienne Westwood and Swarowski:

Duo/group: Helen & Joseph (Malta 1972)

…in times when Mama's oven cloths were supposedly still en vogue:

Tomorrow, we will introduce no. 7 and 6 on the list.