EuroClub opens for all fans

by Tom Espen Hansen 63 views

Last night the opening ceremony of this year's Eurovision Song Contest was held in the Town Hall of Oslo. After the opening ceremony, there was also an opening party at EuroClub, and from yesterday fans are also invited to join EuroClub.

The official nightclub of the Eurovision Song Contest, EuroClub, is this year located at the nightclub Smuget close to EuroVillage. Smuget consists of several separate rooms, with the possibility to divide the party into different styles and musical expressions. Several of the delegations have already had closed parties in one room for invites only, while other rooms have been opened to accredited press, fans and crew.

As more people are arriving Oslofor Eurovision, more of the rooms at Smuget will be opened. The biggest room will feature a DJ playing nonstop Eurovision music, and then the other parts of the nightclub will enjoy live bands and other musical concepts.

From now it will also be possible for fans to join the party at EuroClub. OGAE Membership Cards will count as accreditation for the EuroClub, and after 1 AM, people who are not OGAE Members and do not have any accreditation will be able to buy tickets (100,- NOK) unless the EuroClub is already full.