Rock 'n roll with Estonian Ruffus

by Aija Medinika 109 views

Vaiko Eplik, the lead singer of the group Ruffus and Juhan Paadam, the Head of the Estonian delegation in Riga had a press conference at press centre of the Skonto Complex.

While Vaiko Eplik was answering the questions, his groups members sat in the public among the journalists. It is said to be the last performance of Ruffus together on May 24th. They split for making other projects.

Vaiko's all-time favourite Estonian Eurovision entry is Once in a Liftime (Eurovision Song Contest 2000) by Ines. One of the reasons is that Ines' brother, Ivo Etti, is the bassist of the group.

Eplik pointed out songs of Norway, Russia and Austria as his favourites, adding: “Russia has the only fully modern popsong this year”.

Check out the photo gallery of the first Estonian press conference