A 27th country at the Eurovision Song Contest?

by Sietse Bakker 102 views

The country of Novistrana as 27th participant? Yes, if we may believe the website of this virual country novistrana.com: “Snoop Stepanoc will represent Novistrana in Riga with the song A Russian Spud to the Head”.

The Eurovision website of this 'country' tells more about the 27th participant for Riga and gives more details about the other participating countries from – let's call it – a different perspective. Also it's possible to download the 'entry'.

The website appears to be rather provocating. The webmasters of the site said: “We did this because we love the Eurovision Song Contest and will be following it on the 24th with a big party (…) the site is based on a fictional European country, Novistrana. We do not mean what we wrote about the other participants, but let's face it; you always make fun of your neighbours, stereotypes are still current in Euroland and one of the attractions of the Eurovision Song Contest is to poke fun at other countries. In fact you can see this site as an analysis of where Europe is at the moment. We hope our audience is mature enough to understand our humour, but if they are not, then there is nothing we can do for them”.

May we have your votes for Novistrana please?