Israel: Celebrate Diversity with IMRI on Instagram!

by Gil Laufer 1,455 views

IMRI, who will represent Israel in this year’s Eurovision Song Contest, is inviting everyone to celebrate diversity with him; All you need to do is to film yourself singing a part of his entry, I feel alive.

People are invited sing every part of the song in every possible creative way – in order to show that it is possible to Celebrate Diversity together – just like this year’s Eurovision theme.

IMRI’s favourite videos will be uploaded as stories on his Instagram account and a compilation will be created as soon as there are enough videos available. Simply send your contribution to [email protected]

Hey guys, This year’s Eurovision theme is “Celebrate Diversity” and we wanna celebrate with you. Send me a video of yourself singing 30 seconds of my song “I Feel Alive”. It could be any part you guys want. You don’t have to be a great singer. You can perform acapella or with an instrument, alone or in a group. It doesn’t matter where you’re from, your age or your belief. The more diverse – the better! In return, I promise to post my favourites in a story on my Instagram. In the email you can add a link to your Instagram profile with the videos. Send your videos to this email: [email protected] and let’s sing together! ❤ ————————- #TeamIMRI #IFeelAlive #eurovision #eurovision2017 #esc #esc2017 #eurovisionsongcontest #celebratediversity #europe #euro #ukraine #kiev #kyiv #israel

Ett inlägg delat av IMRI (@imriziv)

Israel will get the honour of closing the second semifinal of this year’s Eurovision Song Contest. It will be the second time that Israel performs last, the first time being the debut back in 1973.

Stay tuned to ESCToday for more news regarding Israel at the Eurovision Song Contest 2017!