NTU, the Ukrainian national broadcaster is expected to deliberate the 2017 Eurovision host city by 24 August according to Ukranian television Channel 5.
NTU’s Deputy General Director, Mr. Oleksandr Kharebin was interviewed on Channel 5’s Morning News program where he revealed more information and details about the forthcoming 2017 Eurovision Song Contest and the host city selection. He went on to say that the 2017 ESC host city should be determined by 24 August, the day the country celebrates its indepence.
A total of 3 cities have been whittled down in the last stage of the Battle of the City: Dnipro, Odessa, and Kyiv. All 3 Ukrainian cities are vying to welcome the Eurovision razmatazz next year.
The announcement of the 2017 ESC host city was postponed from initial scheduled date. Both the EBU and NTU decided to give extra time to the pontential host cities, in order to enhance their respective proposals and gather more information and details.
Currently NTU is meeting the 3 potential cities and revising their respective bids.
The preliminary dates for the 2017 Eurovision Song Contest have been set on on 9, 11 and 13 May .