It’s now time for the rehearsals of semi-final 2 to take place this afternoon, where the 18 participants will take to the stage at the Globe Arena for a second time! We here at ESCToday are ready to bring you the latest news live from the arena itself.
ZAA Sanja Vučić takes to the stage next accompanied by 4 female backing vocalists and 1 male dancer. The singer herself along with the backing vocalists all wear outfit of similar style; black dresses including fringes.
At the start of the performance, images of numerous women appear on the backing LED screens. The backing vocalists use choreography to express the story of domestic violence along with the backing dancer and is used from start to finish. Lights fill the stage behind the artist and the background lights up in warm colours; the colour contrast changes in the key change of the song to add to the dramatic feel of the performance.
Check out Serbia’s second rehearsal below!
Serbia: Sanja Vučić ZAA – Goodbye (Shelter)
SERBIASanja Vučić ZAA – Goodbye (Shelter)#Eurovision #ComeTogether #OpenRehearsal
Geplaatst door Esctoday op zaterdag 7 mei 2016
Rehearsals continue this afternoon from 15:25 CEST with Ireland, FYR Macedonia, Lithuania, Australia, Slovenia and Bulgaria. The remaining 6 participants of semi-final 2 will take to the stage for their second rehearsals this evening.
Photo: Andres Putting ©