Iceland: Movie role for Silvia Night!

by Russell Davies 135 views

Agusta Eva Erlendsdottir the actress who played Silvia Night in the 2006 Eurovision Song Contest for Iceland, is starring in an Icelandic movie currently on limited national release in the United Kingdom.

The movie Jar City or Mýrin in Icelandic is an adaptation of is a crime novel called Tainted Blood by Icelandic author Arnaldur Indriðason, originally published in Iceland in 2000.

The movie is a police-procedural thriller, inspired by a real-life controversy when in Iceland the genetic records of its entire 300,000 population was placed on a single database as a test sample for research into inherited diseases. The movie tells the tale of the investigation by Inspector Erlendur, a tough, police officer of a brutal murder which leads the mysterious photograph of a little girl's grave taken in 1974. He has to find out what happened 30 years ago and to connect it with his case. Connected to this, he has another problem, his relationships with his own daughter!

A trailerfor Jar City, which shows scenes of a graphic nature, can be seen on the link below:

JarCity is currently appearing in showing in London at Curzon Soho, London, Tyneside Cinema, Cornerhouse Manchester, Watershed Bristol, Glasgow Film Theatre, Cambridge Arts Picture House and Screen OnThe Green, Islington and in other cinemas nationwide.