Markus Jarawka 1000th member!

by Sietse Bakker 171 views

This afternoon, Markus Jarawka from Dortmund, Germany, registered as the 1000th member of His subscribtion was not without problems…

As soon as it appeared that Markus was the 1000th member of, we received a panic e-mail from him. “Most probably I subscribed to as the 1000th member, but unlike my sister, I didn't reveice your welcome mail. Most probably I had a missprint in the e-mail address. I cannot login on your website, too! Please believe in me! I'm so desperate!”. Our database counted Markus as the 1000th member indeed, so no problems after all.

“I'd been searching for a constantly updated website for a very long time… Here at I found it! For me, the Eurovision Song Contest and its preselections are like birthday, Christmas and Eastern together”, our 1000th member told us. “This year I took the chance and participated in the lyrics contest of newspaper Taz with 3 texts, but without success”.

Among our existing members and those who subscribe the upcoming week a price will be given away!