Bosnian final 2002 runner up to participate again?

by Bjørn Erik Opheim 82 views

During a radio programme in Bosnia and Herzegovina, three famous names were mentioned to have entered the Bosnian national final, which will take place on March 1. Bosnian Eurovision performer of 1996, Amila Glamočak, has been confirmed. The same counts for the lady finishing right behind Maja Tatic in the national final of 2002.

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The biggest surprise among those said to have entered the Bosnian national final, Mija Martina Barbarić, was the runner up in the Bosnian final of 2002, where she performed Samo nemoj danas (Just not today).

The rumours that the Bosnian participant in the Eurovision Song Contest of 1996, Amila Glamočak (picture), who performed the song Za nasu ljubav (For Our Love) in Oslo, will participate in the upcoming final, was confirmed during the radio transmission.

Even the last of the three artists mentioned in the radio show, Tinka Milinović, participated in the Bosnian national final last year, but didn't reach higher than a 14th position with the song Sve sto imas ti (All that you have).

You can find more audio files from the Bosnian final of 2002 at this website.