Tonight, Moldova will hold the first semi-final of O Melodie Pentru Europa 2016, the national selection for the Eurovision Song Contest 2016 in Stockholm, Sweden.
A total of 24 songs were selected to partake in the two semi finals of O Melodie Pentru Europa 2016 in Moldova. Tonight, semi-final 1 will see the first 12 candidates take the stage. Eight acts will procede to the grand final on 27 February 2016, seven songs will be chosen by a combination of public televote and expert jury vote, while the eighth qualifier will be chosen from the remaining songs via additional televote. The eighth qualifier will be revealed in a special discussion show following the semi-final.
The participants of O Melodie Pentru Europa 2016 semi-final 1 are:
- Che-MD – Vodă e cu noi
- Chris Maroo – Tonight
- Criss Jeff – Good life
- Doinița Gherman – Irresistible
- DoReDoS – FunnyFolk
- Emilia Russu – I am not the same
- Maxim Zavidia – La la love
- Priza – Rewind
- Valentin Uzun – Mine
- Valentina Nejel – Va fi târziu
- Valeria Pașa – Save love
- Viola – In the name of love
How to watch
Tune in to semi final 1 of O Melodie Pentru Europa 2016, from 18:40 CET, broadcast by TRM (TeleRadio-Moldova) on:
- Moldova 1
- Radio Moldova Actualități
- Radio Moldova Tineret
- Radio Moldova Muzical
- Live webcast via
For more information, visit
Semi-final 2 of O Melodie Pentru Europa 2016 will be held on 25 February 2016, and Moldova’s grand final will be held on 27 February 2016.