Watch now: Eesti Laul 2016 kicks off in Estonia

by Jessica Weaver 388 views

Estonia’s selection process for the Eurovision Song Contest 2016, Eesti Laul begins this evening with the first semi-final of the event.

In tonight’s semi-final, a total of 10 acts will compete for one of the places in the Eesti Laul 2016 grand final, taking place on the 5 March. Five acts will qualify from the first semi-final and will be decided via a combined public-jury vote.

Tonight’s 10 performances have been pre-recorded at the ERR studios, however the results of the semi-final will be broadcast live.

How to watch


Eesti Laul 2016 will broadcast at 20:35 CET on the following channels:


Semi-final 1 participants

Listen to all of the Eesti Laul 2016 entries.

  1. The JinglesLove a little bit
  2. WürffelI’m facing north
  3. Mick PedajaSeis
  4. Indrek VentmannHispaania tüdruk
  5. Cartoon feat. Kristel AaslaidImmortality
  6. KéaLonely boy
  7. Kati Laev & NoorkuuKaugel sinust
  8. Zebra IslandHow many times
  9. LauraSupersonic
  10. Windy BeachSalty wounds

EST -> Jupike õrritusvideot sellest, mis juba sellel laupäeval kell 21.35 ETV eetris juhtuma hakkab ;)ENG -> Tiny sneak peak of what´s gonna happen this Saturday at 9.35pm on ETV ;)#eestilaul #eestilaul2016

Posted by Eesti Laul on Tuesday, 9 February 2016

Tonight’s qualifiers will join next week’s semi-final 2 qualifiers, meaning a total of 10 acts will compete in the grand final of the 2016 Estonian national selection. The final will take place at the Saku Suurhall in Tallinn and will be hosted by Ott Sepp and Märt Avandi.

Eesti Laul 2016 schedule

  • 13/02: Semi-final 1 (Ten participants, 5 qualifiers)
  • 20/02: Semi-final 2 (Ten participants, 5 qualifiers)
  • 05/03: Final (Ten finalists, winner decided)

Stay tuned to for the latest news on Estonia, Eesti Laul 2016 and the 2016 Eurovision Song Contest