Less people than last year watched the German national final for the Eurovision Song Contest yesterday: about 3,47 million people followed the No Angels winning the ticket for Belgrade, more than one million people less than last year.
Since the new format of the national final was introduced in 2006 the viewing figures have been continuously decreasing: in 2006, 5,28 million people watched the show making it the most popular program of the day. Last year, 600,000 viewers less were counted and this year even 1,2 million people less. The show made it only narrowly into the top ten of the day, but it has to be said that the competition was strong: two soccer matches were shown on other channels as well as the highly popular program Germany's next topmodel.
Unlike in other countries, traditionally, much more people watch the international final of the Eurovision Song Contest in Germany than the national final – in recent years alwaysmore thantwice as many.
Germany will be represented in the 2008 Eurovision Song Contest by the group No Angels with the song Disappear. As a big four country, Germany is directly qualified for the final of the competition on 24th May but also has voting rights in the first semi final on 20th May.