Malta: Malta Eurovision Song Contest 2016 acts announced

by Gil Laufer 306 views

The twenty acts that will participate in the Malta Eurovision Song Contest 2016 have been announced tonight on TVM’s program Xarabank. They will compete at the semi-final phase that will be held on 22 January.

The chosen acts are:

  1. Maxine PaceYoung love
  2. Deborah CAll around the world
  3. Lawrence GrayYou’re beautiful
  4. BrookeGolden
  5. Raquel GaldesFlashing lights
  6. CorazonFalling glass
  7. Kimberly CortisLighthouse
  8. Jamine AbelaAlive
  9. Domenique AzzopardiEmpty hearted
  10. JessikaThe flame
  11. Daniel TestaUnder the sun
  12. Ira LoscoThat’s why I love you
  13. Franklin CallejaLittle love
  14. Dario Mifsud BonniciI love you
  15. DominicFire burn
  16. Danica MuscatFrontline
  17. Ira LoscoChameleon (Invicible)
  18. Christabelle BorgKingdom
  19. Sarah CrystalRight here with you
  20. Stefan GaleaLight up my life

The top fourteen acts will advance to the final that will be held on the day after, on 23 January. The winner of MESC 2016 will represent Malta in the Eurovision Song Contest 2016.

Stay tuned to for more news regarding Malta in the Eurovision Song Contest