Melodi Grand Prix Junior 2003 date known

by Bjørn Erik Opheim 136 views

Norwegian broadcaster NRK today announced the date of the national final next year which will select the Norwegian participant in the first edition of the annual Eurovision for Youths/Kids: 6th September.

In the press release, the broadcaster states that they “would like to receive entries from all musical genres, including pop, rock, techno, jazz, country, dance, ethnic music, rhythm and blues, rap, ballads, etcetera”. The deadline to submit songs has been set at 15th March.

Last year, which was the first year that the Norwegian national final called Melodi Grand Prix Junior was organised, the young male duo 'To små karer' (picture) won the event with a hip hop song entitled Payback Time.

At the page of the press release, you can download twelve different versions of the three Norwegian entries in the Scandinavian final last year, which was held in Copenhagen.