2004 album to be released as double cd

by Sietse Bakker 3,913 views

On 26th April, the double-CD with all 36 Eurovision Song Contest entries for this year's show will be released. On the picture you can already see a sneak preview of its cover!

As we earlier reported, for the first time in the history of the Eurovision Song Contest, an official release of the registration of the live show(s) is issued by the EBU. The EBU changed the rules of the contest especially for this release, appropriating the rights for this release to itself or an appointed third party. The DVD will most likely also carry the preview videos.

The EBU signed a deal with EMI for both the CD and the DVD. EMI will release the double-CD with all the 36 participating songs on 26th April and the DVD with the live shows on 7th June.