Breaking News: Where is ??!!??

by Steve Holyer 112 views

An intriguing flier has appeared in the Eurovision Song Contest press center among all the various party announcements. It seems the singers have been missing since late last night. An award is being offered to anyone who can offer news of their whereabouts. A member of the Latvian delegation has informed various news sources including that were last seen leaving the Montenegrin party.

"I know that Roberto left the Montenegrin party at midnight, but nobody knows where they all went. This morning, we got suspicious when they didn't show up for breakfast. When we checked out their hotel rooms, they were empty," Aija Medinika informed

If you have seen the the six singers anywhere after midnight last night please email [email protected]. A photo of the six would be especially helpful.

According to the official site the group has an important second rehearsal scheduled tomorrow night. Missing that rehearsal could spell disaster for the group. Some fans apparently suspect the band is just hiding to create buzz in Helsinki, but the crew wrote that they are taking the matter seriously. did grant a video interview to last night shortly before the Montenegrin party. The Latvian delegation is now carefully reviewing tapes of that interview in hopes that they reveal a clue to the singers' disappearance.

The interview: