Ruslana censored in Russia

by Pawel Jurczak 520 views

The Russian broadcasters have decided to put Ruslana's latest video for Dance with the wolves under censorship. In Russia the video will be shown without fragments containing scenes from the so-called Ukrainian Orange Revolution.

The song Dance with the wolves is mainly about freedom which cannot be taken under control in any way. Ruslana, winner of the Eurovision Song Contest 2004, informed that according to the wish of Russian distributors, some fragments, in which Ruslana appears on the Independent Square in Kiev during the so-called Orange Revolution have been removed from the video.

The Russian audience will also not be able to see Ruslana playing on metal drums in front of government buildings blocked by opposition, nor will they see her putting flowers into shields of policemen protecting the crowd in Kiev during revolution. The decision has been probably taken due to the fact that Russian president Vladimir Putin officially supported Victor Yanukovych in the Ukrainian presidential elections.

Meanwhile Ruslana is touring Europe with her new show, which she is able to present during several national finals in which entries for the 2005 Eurovision Song Contest are being selected. Currently, Ruslana is touring in the United Kingdom.