The Chief Editor's column (extra!)

by Sietse Bakker 119 views

Take a look through the eyes of Sietse Bakker, Chief Editor of On a weekly base he will discuss the latest Eurovision Song Contest news and background information with you!

Yesterday, on Christmas evening, the first edition of World Idols took place. All worldwide winners of the first Idols edition travelled to London for a show, which was, according to one of the hosts, “the biggest television event of the world”. Excuse me, what was it you said there? The biggest television event of the world is still the opening of the Olympics, the final match of the soccer World Championship and even the Eurovision Song Contest attracts more viewers.

The show started with the usual audience camera fly-over, then the hosts came on stage. Although I tried not to compare the show with the Eurovision Song Contest, the two hosts made me realize the quality of 'our' contest's hosts…