Operação Triunfo links to Eurovision 2004

by André Rodrigues 281 views

Yesterday, the second edition of Operação Triunfo started in Portugal. The promotion flash about the programme stated that the programme is going to select the Portuguese performer for the Eurovision Song Contest 2004. Earlier rumours were going around saying that the previous winner, Sofia, would represent Portugal in 2004. She can stay home now…

The number of contestants was 20, but in yesterday's programme only 16 were approved to stay in the Academy

15 of the finalists were chosen by the jury. The ones who were not selected were Pedro, Paulo Valério, Paulo Vintém, Cindy and Daniela. Then the audience was invited to save one of these five and it turned out to be clear that Pedro was the favourite with 27% of the votes.

For the time being it is expected that more details about the way the song is going to be chosen will be revealed as some Portuguese OGAE fanclub members are going to meet with Margarida Mercês de Mello, who was the Portuguese commentator for RTP in Riga.