“Helsinki could host Eurovision again”

by Benny Royston 255 views

In an update to this morning's article regarding a possible venue change for the Eurovision Song Contest due to current problems in Belgrade, Kjell Ekholm, the Eurovision Song Contest Event Manager in 2007, has put Helsinki forward as a possible back-up location.

According to Estonian news website, Sloleht,Mr. Ekholmhopes that the Eurovision Song Contest can take place in Belgrade. If that is not possible, he says that Finland could become an option with much of the knowledge and experience of hosting the competition last year coming into play. He is also a member of the EBU Eurovision Song Contest Reference Group and much of the infrastructure from 2007 is still in place.

You can find our previous article explaining that the EBU has begun looking at possible alternative venues due to security concerns in Belgrade here.

Stay tuned to esctoday.com for all the latest updates regarding this story.