Portugal: When Eurovision travels to Brazil

by Sanjay (Sergio) Jiandani 1,734 views

The Eurovision Song Contest’s popularity has crossed oceans and continents ever since its birth back in 1956, so have its entries. People from all continents have had a chance to listen to ESC song and get a taste of Eurovision. Salvador Sobral has played a key role in spreading the beauty and essence of Eurovision worldwide.

This year’s Portuguese winning entry Amar pelos dos has crossed the pond and conquered the hearts of many Brazilians. Brazilian media and press is giving Salvador much coverage and exposure these days.

Brazilian TV channel Globo has selected Salvador Sobral and his Eurovision winning entry Amar pelos dois to feature as the opening theme song of their latest soap opera (telenovela) Tempo de Amar. Globo Television Brazil has released the opening sequence of their telenovola featuring Amar pelos dois.

Amar pelos dois opens Brazilian telenovela Tempo de Amar.

Millions of Brazilian viewers are listening to the Salvador’s winning entry every day on Globo TV when they tune in at prime time. Tempo de Amar has already hit Brazilian screens this week.

Tempo de Amar

Tempo de Amar (Time to love) is an epoque series set in Brazil and Portugal showcasing the lives of people and their love stories between 1927-1931. The series stars big Brazilian names such as Vitória Strada, Bruno Cabrerizo, Regina Duarte, Tony Ramos, Letícia Sabatella, Jayme Matarazzo and Henri Castelli.

A preview of Tempo de Amar