Eter Beriashvili
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Eter Beriashvili was born in 1972 on the 19 April in Kvareli, Georgia.
During her childhood she studied music at a secondary school in Signagi and graduated in the violin.
A few years later Beriashvili graduated from the Moscow Medical Academy. During her time in Moscow, she completed her music studies at the Moscow Estrade and Jazz College.
In 2002 she founded Acapella, vocals group A’cappella Express, which still remains very successful in Russia and other countries to this day. Beriashvili has also worked with many famous singers, such as: Tamar Gverdtsiteli, Laima Vaikule and Andrei Makarevich.
In 2013, she took part in the Russian version of The Voice where she made it to the quarter-finals.
At present, she performs in Moscow, as Jazz and Estrade Singer.