Malta: Alexander Rybak and Franklin talk to

by Luke Borg 572 views

The 2009 Eurovision winner Alexander Rybak and 2015 MESC participant Franklin, gave an exclusive video interview to ESCToday where they spoke about their collaboration Still Here.

ESCToday’s Maltese editor Luke Borg  caught up with Alexander and Franklin last month at the Maltese Eurovision national final at Marsa, Malta to find out more about their collaboration and entry for MESC 2015 Still here.

We invite you to watch Alex’s and Franklin’s Still here ESCToday interview below:


Franklin finished in 5th place in the selection and came 3rd in the televoting.


ESCToday would like to thank Alexander’s and Franklin’s management for this interview.

Stay tuned to for the latest news on Alexander Rybak, Franklin, Malta and the 2015 Eurovision Song Contest.