Finland: Mr Lordi gives his advice to Krista Siegfrids

by Juha Repo 415 views

Mr Lordi has been appearing on the Finnish media recently in connection with the release of the new Lordi album To beast or not to beast.

The news of the TV channel Nelonen (as reported on asked Mr. Lordi what advice he could give to this year’s Finnish representative, Krista Siegfrids.

It was my favourite of all the candidates, says Mr. Lordi. It is a great show, she is a great girl and the whole package is there. It has as good a chance to do well as any other song, he predicts.

Asked about the controversy around Marry me and the lyrics, Mr. Lordi seems to think it can only be a good thing. We had our own controversies in 2006, he says, and they were only a help for us in the end. Don’t you worry, girl!, quips Mr. Lordi to Krista.

The beast also has this advice for the beauty: Keep yourself pretty, and be noticed. It is ultimately a TV show, and the secret to success is not to get lost in the mass, concludes Mr. Lordi.

The band leader also visited the Arto Nyberg chat show, where he was telling about the Eurovision Song Contest experience.

This is also the first time Mr. Lordi has been giving a major TV interview in Finnish, as he used to think his Lapland accent did not fit his character.

We as a band are really positive about the whole experience, Mr. Lordi tells the host. We would have needed at least five years of hard work and loads of luck to get the same exposure. But unfortunately actually winning the whole thing was too much for some people, and we are always going to be scorned by some for that reason, says Mr. Lordi.

We only went for it for the publicity – we were about to release our third album and thought that taking part in the Finnish final would give nice promotion. Never, ever did we think we could actually win the Finnish national selection, he laughs.

Now 700,000 record sales later Eurovision is just one milestone in a long career, but being labelled as the Eurovision-Lordi was a bit hard to swallow at some point, Mr. Lordi reminisces.

He and the band seems to be happy to return to the Eurovision Song Contest context now, having performed as the interval act at the Irish final last week.

Lordi’s brand new video below:

Hard rock hallelujah on the Irish Eurosong final: