Hungary: A Dal 2018 semi-final 2 results are in, Grand Final line-up complete!

by Roy Knoops 3,113 views

The final four qualifyers in Hungary’s selection for Eurovision 2018 have been chosen, completing the line-up for A Dal’s Grand Final!

After several heats and last weeks’ first semi-final, Hungary has chosen all the competitors for the Grand Final of A Dal (The Song) 2018, the country’s selection for the 2018 Eurovision Song Contest.

Broadcaster Duna TV and MTVA (Médiaszolgáltatás-támogató és Vagyonkezelő Alap, Media Services and Support Trust Fund) again delivered a magnificent programme for the public.

In tonight’s exciting second semi-final, hosted by Freddie (Gábor Alfréd Fehérvári, Eurovision 2016) and Krisztina Rátonyi, 9 participants who progressed from the previous heats performed on stage, vying for a ticket to the Grand Final on Saturday 24 February 2018.

Ultimately, three qualifyers were chosen by the professional jury plus an average televoting score, while a fourth lucky artist was granted a spot in the Grand Final by the public televote.

The jury consisted of composer and performer Miklós Both, artist and composer Károly Frenreisz, lead singer and guitarist af group Magna Cum Laude Misi Mező, and actress Judit Schell.

The results

The four acts who proceed to the Grand Final are:


  • Tamás Horvath – Meggyfa
  • Viktor Kiraly – Budapest Girl
  • WS – Viszlát nyar
  • yesyes – I Let You Run Away


Eliminated are:


  • Ceasefire XSatelites
  • Cintia Horváth & Tomi BaloghJourney (Break Your Chains)
  • OdettAranyhal
  • Nikoletta Szőke, Attila Kökény and Róbert Szakcsi LakatosÉletre kel
  • Tamás VastagNe hagyj reményt


The four qualifyers join the four artists who progressed last week, thus completing the Grand Final line-up:

  • Dánielfy GergelyAzt mondtad
  • Heincz Gábor (BIGA) – Good vibez
  • Leander Kills – Not szól harang
  • Süle ZsoltZöld a május

The Grand Final of A Dal 2018 takes place next Saturday, 24 February 2018, starting at 20.30 CET!