Albania: Here are the Festivali i Këngës 56 finalists

by Georgi Senkishev 1,402 views

Tonight, the second semi-final of Festival i Këngës 56 was held, in which another 11 acts took part and performed their entries live for the very first time.

This evening saw the saw the second semi-final of the Albanian national final, Festivali i Këngës (FiK) 56, take place live from the Pallati i Kongreseve in Tirana. All the finalists for tomorrow’s show have now been decided.

Tonight there was no opening act in comparison to last night’s first semi-final, which featured multiple interval acts.

The interval acts this evening were two former Eurovision participants; these were Aurela Gaçe (Albania 2011) and Kejsi Tola (Albania 2009), the latter of which performed with Flaka Krelani.

Your semi-final 2 favorites!

Before tonight’s show took place, we published an online poll in order for our ESCToday readers to let us know your favourite entries of the second semi-final! Here were the results:

  1. Inis NeziriPiedestal (28.31%)
  2. Orgesa ZaimiNgrije zërin (18.7%)
  3. Xhesika PoloPërjetë (12.99%)
  4. Artemisa MithiE dua botën (10.91%)
  5. Grupi LynxVonë (8.31%)
  6. Grupi Na & Festina MeziniTjetër jetë (6.23%)
  7. Denisa GjezoZemër ku je (3.64%)
  8. Ergi Bregu-LatifllariBum bum (3.12%)
  9. TiriOrë e ndalur (3.12%)
  10. LorelaPritëm edhe pak (2.86%)
  11. Grupi AkullthyesIitDivorc (1.81%)

Orange indicates the artists who qualified to Saturday’s grand final.

The Festivali i Këngës 56 finalists

Tonight, the 14 finalists of Festivali i Këngës (FiK) 56 were announced from both semi-finals. Here they are:

  • Artemisa Mithi – E dua botën
  • Bojken Lako – Sytë e shpirtit
  • Denisa Gjezo – Zemër ku je
  • Elton Deda – Fjalët
  • Eugent Bushpepa – Mall
  • Grupi Na & Festina Mezini – Tjetër jetë
  • Inis Neziri – Piedestal
  • Manjola Nallbani – I njëjti qiell
  • Mariza Ikonomi – Unë
  • Orgesa Zaimi – Ngrije zërin
  • Redon Makashi – Egziston
  • Rezarta Smaja & Luiz Ejlli – Ra një yll
  • Tiri – Orë e ndalur
  • Voltan Prodani – E pamundur

It’s interesting to note that only 6 artists qualified from the second FiK semi-final, whilst 8 acts qualified from the first semi-final.

That means that David & Genc Tukiqi, Ergi Bregu-Latifllari, Evans Rama, Grupi AkullthyesIit, Grupi Lynx, Lorela, Stefi & Endri Prifti and Xhesika Polo have all failed to qualify to the final of the festival.

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