Malta: 30 songs shortlisted in first phase of MESC

by Jessica Weaver 2,139 views

The latest news on the Maltese selection process for the 2018 Eurovision Song Contest has been released this evening by the country’s national broadcaster, TVM, as 30 entries have passed the first phase of the nation’s selection.

Back in July, TVM made an open call for entries for the upcoming Maltese national final, Malta Eurovision Song Contest (MESC), in which artists and composers from across the nation were eligible to submit their entries for the country’s 2018 Eurovision selection.

From 129 to 30 entries in phase one

Having received 129 entries in total, each submission was presented to members within the national broadcaster and have since been shortlisted to a total of 30 entries.

The current shortlisted features the following:

  1. Abire SekkakiCasablanca love
  2. AidanDai laga
  3. AIDANSee you
  4. Avenue SkyWe can run
  5. Brooke BorgHeart of gold
  6. Christabelle BorgTaboo
  7. DanIf only
  8. Danica MuscatOne step at a time
  9. Deborah CTurn it up
  10. Deborah C & Joseph TaboneHuman
  11. Dominic CiniPicture I draw
  12. Eleanor CassarBack to life
  13. Ishmael GrechGood times
  14. Jasmine AbelaSupernovas
  15. Kelsey BellanteSuper woman
  16. Kevin PaulGreat adventure
  17. Kimberley CortisMonsters
  18. Kurt AnthonyYou will find me
  19. Lawrence GrayLove renegade
  20. Malcolm PisaniKiss
  21. Matthew CaruanaCall 2morrow
  22. Mikhail Attard & Cherylis CamileriBreaking point
  23. Miriana ConteRocket
  24. Nicole AzzopardiMixed feelings
  25. Petra WhitefordEvolution
  26. Raquel GaldesIn my mind
  27. Rhiannon MicallefBeyond blue horizons
  28. Richard JoeSong for dad
  29. Stefan GaleaCloser
  30. Tiziana CallejaFirst time

Over the coming weeks, the shortlisted entries will once again be assessed and a final total of 16 songs will be finalised and chosen to compete in the final of MESC in February 2018.

The official Maltese entry for the 2018 Eurovision Song Contest will be determined via a 100% public televote.

Malta in Eurovision 2017

Last year’s Maltese representative, Claudia Faniello, was selected via MESC in order to represent her country in the host city of Kyiv with her entry Breathlessly.

Faniello had been trying to represent the nation every year since 2006, with her dream of competing at the Eurovision Song Contest becoming reality in 2017.

With the nation being drawn to compete in the second semi-final, Malta received high praise from the jury, gathering 55 points in total. However, the nation failed to receive any points from the public televote.

Recognise any names in the first shortlist from previous editions of MESC? Who would you like to see on stage in Lisbon in Eurovision 2018 for the island nation of Malta?