Kitties and Eurovision is a combination you just can’t miss. This is what the creator of the following video had in mind.
Check out these cute cats singing to Amar Pelos Dois.
Cats sing Salvador Sobral's «Amar Pelos Dois»
Katzenmusik! So klingt es, wenn Büsis Salvador Sobrals Siegertitel «Amar Pelos Dois» miauzen. TGIF, Happy Weekend! #catssinging #salvadorsobral #srfesc #esc2017 #eurovision #casts
تم نشره بواسطة SRF Eurovision Song Contest في 23 يونيو، 2017
It is around one month since the grand final of the 2017 Eurovision Song Contest which took place in Kyiv, Ukraine, where Portugal was crowned as the winner of the competition with Salvador Sobral’s song Amar Pelos Dois.
The 2018 Eurovision Song Contest will take place in Portugal and the dates and city are not yet made available.
We found this video on SRF’s Official Facebook Page for Eurovision.