RTVSLO, the Slovenian national broadcaster has confirmed its preliminary participation at the forthcoming 2016 Eurovision Song Contest in Stockholm.
Slovenia is the 24th to confim its participation at the 2016 Eurovision Song Contest, scheduled to be held on 10, 12 and 14 of May at the Globen Arena in Stockholm, Sweden.
RTV Slovenija se je preliminarno prijavila za sodelovanje na Eurovision Song Contest 2016 v Stockholmu
Posted by EMA on Monday, 14 September 2015
Countries wishing to compete at next year’s Eurovision extravaganza in Stockholm have until 15 September to submit their respective applications to the EBU, hereafter they have a grace period until 10 October to decide if they are to stay or not in the competition without facing a financial penalty.
In 2015 Slovenia selected its Eurovision act and entry via its traditional national final EMA. Maraaya won the 2015 Slovenian national final with their entry Here for you and were awarded the golden ticket to represent Slovenia at the 2015 Eurovision Song Contest in Vienna. They achieved a placing 14th in the grand final.
Slovenia debuted at the Eurovision Song Contest in 1993 with IX Band and is yet to win the event. The country’s best placing was achieved in 1995 with Darja Svajger and 2001 with Nusa Derenda, when Slovenia came 7th on both occasions.